The DoTx team is extremely excited to welcome you to the platform as we initiate our blast off to mainnet. With no serious technical issues and with the help of our incredible community, we’re proud to say that our beta phase has run extremely smoothly. After we apply some final touches, we will be heading to the Polygon Mainnet on the 23rd March, 2021 at 8pm UTC.

Before then, let’s properly prepare ourselves by quickly going over the details of the beta, as well as how to join the Polygon Mainnet and how to trade DoTx.

Beta review

If you participated as a tester in the beta, you should have noticed that everything proceeded without any serious issues. Some minor bugs and potential graphical improvements have been reported and are currently being addressed. The issues brought to our attention are being or have already been fixed, so thank you to everyone who got involved!

Here are some statistics about the use of the platform from the beta period:

  • 113 testers joined the beta (and bet in at least one war)
  • 252 wallets connected to the platform
  • 2,258 visitors visited the platform (unique IPs — mainly from the US, France & the UK)
  • 9,172,030 test DoTx were bet throughout the four wars
  • 359,567 test DoTx were sent to the Early Pool (from losing houses)
  • 100,200 DoTx were staked in the Early Pool
  • 44,859 test LP tokens were staked in the Mana Pool
  • 246,249.5 test DoTx were burnt on Ethereum Goerli

From the team’s point of view, this beta was an overwhelming success that allowed us to validate the overall functionality of DoTx at a larger scale. This has given us full confidence in our next moves.

How to connect to Polygon?

To connect to Polygon mainnet, it is necessary to add a custom network on Metamask (or in your favorite wallet). Go to the network list on Metamask (web or mobile) and click on “Custom RPC” or “Add Network”.

Enter the following information:

Finally, click ‘Save’ and select the Polygon network from the list. You are now connected to the Polygon mainnet!👏

How to send your tokens to Polygon?

You will need to have DoTx on the network in order to use the platform. Two methods are available for you to transfer your DoTx to Polygon.

The first method is to use the bridge available on our platform once the mainnet release is deployed (please do not send real DoTx via the current beta bridge). The bridge is explained in this article, and the process will be exactly the same on the mainnet.

The other method is to use the official Matic bridge. Go to this page and connect your wallet. Click on “Move funds to Matic Mainnet” then select the token you want to send. DoTx is found by searching for “DeFi of Thrones”. Using this method you are actually able to transfer any token you wish (Ether, Matic, USDT etc.) from Ethereum to Polygon.

You’ll only be asked to approve the contract the first time you interact with the platform. Once this is done, you will have to send your tokens to the RootChainManager (as explained in our article on the bridge). You will have to wait for around five to ten minutes in order for your tokens to appear in your wallet on the Polygon network.

This is the DoTx address on Polygon (you can add it as a custom token in Metamask): 0x3ef402af15eeb3c80b4441e60913f31a5c41e077

How to trade on Polygon?

Once you’ve sent a few tokens to Polygon, a new world of possibilities awaits you! You’ll be able to use our platform to participate in wars and trade DoTx. A WETH/DoTx pool has already been created and $12k of liquidity has been provided, with more liquidity to be added over time. Everyone is also free to add liquidity to earn a share of the fees, and we will be releasing a detailed article on this soon.

To trade DoTx (or any token) you can use the Uniswap fork, Quickswap, that is available on Polygon. You can find that here.

Trade ETH/DoTx

Quickswap currently has less liquidity than Uniswap, but it does allow you to trade with incredibly low fees.

We hope you are as excited as we are to interact with the mainnet platform and move around it without spending a fortune on fees! Stay tuned to our social media for all the exciting news we have coming on the release.

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Telegram Unibot DoTx:
Telegram DoTx Price Channel:

Kind regards,
DoTx Team



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