DeFi Of Thrones — Platform overview
Progress of the development team on the UI/UX platform
The 11th of September we published a news concerning the platform’s progression and this was not really reflected in DoTx’s value.
Although the DeFi niche is in full hype, very few projects manage to deliver a functional product. What we observe: there are either projects that will be built in years or simply copies of other projects offering yield farming services (not to mention scams).
A quick throwback to the 25th of August when we launched the public sale of DoTx’s project with a hardcap reached in less than 1 hour. While other projects would be celebrating this moment, our team was already in the lines of code on Github to create the basis of the future platform.
That’s why, less than 20 days after the launch of the public sale, we are already able to show you, today and in detail, the different features that will compose the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of DeFi Of Thrones.
Want more info on DeFi Of Thrones project ? Read the WhitePaper
Plateform Overview 👀
1. Menu 🍱
On the left side, you will find a sliding menu in which your connected wallet will be shown at the top left corner.
Next, this section is divided into 3 categories: Game, Community and Support section.
Game category leads to the current war between the 2 houses competing each other. You will also find the stats in order to check in details the characteristics of the participants.
2. Chart 📈
A basic chart overview to follow the houses’ token/coin fluctuations.
We aim to provide a Japanese candlestick and a line chart. A little tab on the top left corner is available to switch between the one you prefer.
3. Countdown ⏳
Will represent the countdown before the end of the war. It is also from this count that rules such as:
- Time to join a war
- Time to switch from your selected house to the opponent (treason 🗡)
4. War details & houses characteristics 🏰
This section will summarize:
- The competitors
- The starting price and the price variation
- The remaining time to enter a war
- Your number of tickets bought (in $ and DoTx) and your potential share reward proportionally to your contribution to the house (your allegiance) for the current war
Below this section, you will see all the details regarding the participants of the war: Total users / Total tickets per house.
Finally, some charts in order to visually represent the war’s stake and how it is progressing (houses performance + last transactions).
NB: A confluence is being built to give users a reference documentation
A social environment 📢
The platform integrates a social chat to let users enter into discussion with each other. For example in the screenshot below, Tend house’s chat where users from the same house can discuss together. We also aim to set up a public chat where users from both houses will be able to debate and/or shill (+fight).
Roadmap update 🎯
We decided to review the roadmap and to bring ahead the v0 platform release by 2 months, from Q1 2021 to November 2020, with a beta release based on a whitelist.
The v0 public platform will see the light of the day early December 2020.
The news that went unnoticed is the announcement of a smartphone application with a non custodial DoTx wallet directly integrated and the possibility to join the game.
Such APP development is very expensive, it is around $100k if it is fully developed by an IT company but thanks to the developer’s experience, DoTx team is independent and able to build it with the team’s own skills.
If you want more details on the game’s rules read our previous article here.
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Kind regards,
DoTx Team