Tokens lock is often a sensitive, controversial and misunderstood subject by most crypto enthusiasts. This is why, for the sake of transparency, we would like to make it clear to everyone through this article. We will also highlight a new feature that will influence the DoTx economy: Burn Token.

We will first recall what the tokenomics of DoTx looks like (for more details you can read the following article

The total supply of DoTx is 6 million, 1.5 million have been allocated to marketing, 700,000 allocated to the team and 1 million to the Uniswap liquidity pool.

These 3 DoTx batches are each locked in 3 different ways and durations. Now let’s go through them in more details.

🔒 Tokens team lock

The tokens allocated to the team have been locked in a contract by following this program.

On Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 350 000 DoTx will be unlocked and be distributed among the members of the team. This does not mean that the members of the team will sell their tokens. Our ambition is not to dump the market but to develop the project over a long period.
After March 23, 5.5% will be released each month.

How to check the lock of team tokens in the contract?

👉Just go to Etherscan and check this contract address: you will see 12 transactions. The first one (at the bottom) is the contract creation and the following are the tokens lock according to the previous program.

Click for example on the before last and you will see the first 350k DoTx lock.

Now here’s how to read the contract in real time:
1. Go to the contract on Etherscan.
2. Click on the contract tab then read contract.
3. Jump to the getRemainingLockDays method.
4. Enter the wallet address which deployed the contract which is 0x53Fce01965e61B5F59dF896542BdaCCe12305ca4 and the reason of the lock (check previous program). Then, you’ll get the remaining days for this specific reason.

Now you’ve got the remaining days for the reason, you can check the tokens locked associated. Jump to the tokensLocked method and do the same with the wallet address and the reason. Here you’ll get (a big number) of DoTx locked. This number is represented as 18 decimals 10^18 “wei format”. Just go here paste the number in the wei input and you’ll get the number of DoTx locked (instead of ETH).

🔒 Tokens marketing lock

The contract that locks the marketing tokens is quite different. It is no longer a contract by stages but a linear vesting lock contract over 2 years. This means that the tokens release can be done on a daily linear basis. We didn’t know how many tokens we would need each month for marketing that is why we have chosen a linear release approach.

As said earlier, 1.5 million DoTx have been locked in the marketing contract. It means we can unlock 2054 DoTx every day for marketing. Indeed, the duration of the lock is 730 days (2 years) so as it is a linear vesting contract:

1 500 000 DoTx / 730 = 2054 DoTx

How to check the lock of marketing tokens in the contract?

In the same way as for team tokens, it is possible to read the contract. The vesting contract address is : 0xb31CD4191e00d56294b407045FE20084E8ad28D7. Just go to Etherscan in the contract tab and read contract section.

You’ll directly see the remaining vesting lock days :

You’ll also see the current releasable amount (12,401 DoTx)(right now) and the amount which have been already released (37,119 DoTx). These amounts will obviously change as we release tokens for marketing.

-> Use this website to convert wei format to DoTx.

🔒Uniswap liquidity pool lock

After raising 200 ETH with our public sale, we created a Uniswap liquidity pool with 150 ETH and 1 million DoTx. As you may know, when someone provides liquidity to a Uniswap pool, he receives liquidity equivalence with UNI-V2 tokens. We received 12,247 UNI-V2 for the liquidity provided.

Anyone who owns UNI-V2 can withdraw its liquidity at any time. Therefore, most projects that want to prove their legitimacy lock their liquidity for at least 1 year. Of course that’s what we did. Uniswap does not allow this lock natively, this is why a second project called Unicrypt comes in.

Unicrypt provides smart contracts which are able to lock an amount of UNI-V2 for a specific duration. You can check our UNI-V2 locked on Unicrypt here. As you can see with this transaction, we have locked all our UNI-V2 for 1 year (97,7% on Unicrypt, and the rest to pay them).

Then we obtained a trust score over 97. It has now fallen (to 89,5)because new people have come to provide liquidity in the pool, obviously without the locker.

This trust score is calculated by Unicrypt as follow :

Total_liquidity_tokens / total_locked_tokens * time_weighted_average

time_weighted_average = (unlock_time - current_time) / (1 year)

So this score highly depends on the amount of liquidity provided and the duration of the lock. We can therefore say that the DoTx pool on Uniswap is trustable.

🔥Token burn, the basics

Burning tokens consists in reducing the total supply of a token.
The purpose is to reward the holders by using a simple economic mechanism of supply and demand. Let’s get deeper in this basis that constitutes the meaning of the price of goods we buy in everyday life:

The basic demand curve D describes the psychology of consumers. Why this curve starts from top left to bottom right of the graph ? Because consumers want a huge quantity of a product for the smallest price possible. The higher the price of a product is, the less inclined consumers are to buy a large quantity of this product.

In the opposite, producers want to sell a huge part of their production for the highest price possible.

Basically, the equilibrium of a market is found when curve D meets curve S on a unique point. For DoTx, the equilibrium at the date of this article (09/25/20) has been found at a price of ~$0,05 per token.

Burning tokens = reducing the supply on the market

Burning tokens has an impact on the supply curve S, let’s see together the impact of a shift in the supply.

All other things remaining equal, If we take as example Q, the current circulating supply of DoTx 3,837,119 and P the current price of DoTx token $0,05 we reach point A = current market cap = $191,855 .

All other things remaining equal, burning tokens means reducing the quantity of the number of tokens available on the market from Q to Q’ and so, for the same demand represented by curve D, the supply curve S has to shift by Δq, creating S’ curve.
Simply, a new equilibrium is found at point B, at a new price P’ for the burnt tokens

🔥Impact and projection of 5% tokens burnt per war for DoTx ?

Now, let’s analyse how the price could react with the real announcement made of 5% token burnt for the losing house after each war.

The big variable X will be the number of tickets bought (defining the total amount) of the losing house. To keep the projection simple we will say $5000 (~100,000 DoTx).

Amount from the losing house: $5000
Percentage of tokens burnt: 5%
Number of war per week: 1
Number of war per year: 52

NB: this is a simple example to illustrate the idea, but the team aims to run several wars in the future, increasing the volume of tokens that will be burned.

On 1st week, we keep 95% of the 100,000 DoTx, so 95,000DoTx.
5000 DoTx are burnt.

At the end of the year, for the same amount lost by the losing house, it would mean 260,000 DoTx burnt, reducing the circulating supply from 3,837,119 to 3,577,119.

All other things remaining equal, to keep a $191,855 market cap it means a price increase of 6%, from $0,05 to $0,053.

Contracts links :

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Kind regards,
DoTx Team



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