The Hero Update
Together with the team, we have been brainstorming for the past few weeks. We wanted something to revitalize the DoTx community, something that would improve the core game mechanics and upon which we would be able to build more interesting features. We came up with an ambitious project and we want to share it with you and show you our progress.
Without further ado, let us introduce The Hero Update: its the classic DeFi of Thrones game but extended with RPG mechanics such as character progression and inventory management.
1. Armors & Weapons
In The Hero Update, every player is represented by a character, his Hero. Each hero can be equipped with various armors and weapons depending on their level. Of course, the higher the level of the hero, the better the equipment he can use. Every item in the game will be a NFT, allowing players to easily trade them on various marketplaces.
Players will have the choice between 3 types of armors : light, medium and heavy. The armors will allow the players to control their risk/reward during battles. A light armor will protect you less, and thus, you’ll lose more DoTx when losing battles, but as you are lighter and more agile, you’ll strike harder and will gain more DoTx when winning. On the opposite side, a heavy armor will protect you more, so the hero will protect (save) more DoTx in case of a lost battle, but as he is slow and clunky, he’ll also gain less DoTx when winning.
As for the weapons, players will have the choice between two strategies : one-handed weapon and a shield or two-handed weapon without shield. It’s the same principle as the armors, a small sword will do less damage (less reward) than a two-handed war hammer, but the shield will give a protection bonus (% of bet protected when losing).
In the first version of the update, new armor pieces and weapons will be dropped after each battle, no matter if you win or lose, this will give more incentive to the players to take part in battles. But in the future, we would like to implement more features such as the ability to craft items using craft materials, a marketplace, a forge to improve items,…etc.
What’s great with these new game mechanics is that we can easily extend the game and its complexity by building upon them.
2. Character progression
Beside the loots that you can win by participating in battles, all participants will also gain experience points. As in traditional RPG games, these points will be used to raise the level of your character, allowing you to equip better equipment. Better equipment means a better bet protected/reward malus ratio of your equipment.
3. Current progress
The inventory/equipment part of the project is nearly fully finished. Here are the current functionalities:
- You can equip/unequip items and see them displayed on your character
- You can drag and drop items around, send them to the next/previous page
- You can reorganize items by type by clicking the top right button (with the 2 boxes).
- You can hide equipped items slots to see how your hero will be displayed to other players.
4. The next steps
There are still a lot of work to be done to accomplish our vision. We hope a first version will be ready for this summer. We will try to keep you informed at least once a week about the ongoing progress.
We are really interested in knowing what you think of our idea. So please share your suggestions and questions in our Telegram group.
See you soon!