The Hero Update : Development Progress

DeFi Of Thrones
3 min readMay 2, 2022


We keep working hard on the Hero Update, but many of the things we’ve been working on lately are not very visual (level progression, items stats, smart contracts,…), and thus are not the most exciting things to show to the community. In this post, we’ll cover the progress of some aspects of the update.

Armors & Weapons

If you follow us on Twitter and/or Telegram, you probably saw that the character in underwear and the first armor set have been designed. We now have an artist working full time on the armor sets, weapons and shields.

The first medium armor set : The Peasant’s Set

Each 10 levels, you will be able to wear 3 new armor sets : light, medium and heavy. We already planned up to a hundred levels, so right now, that’s 30 armor sets. Armor sets are each made of 5 pieces of armor (head / chest / arms / legs / feet).

We also worked on the stats of the armor sets. Pieces of armor will have variable stats (bet protected/reward malus). That means the same piece of armor (the peasant’s hat for example) can have various values. This will make exchanges on market places more interesting.

Character Progression

As I wrote in the previous point, we already planned progression until level 100. We spent a lot of time balancing the level progression system. So like in most RPGs, your first levels will go fast, but as you progress, you’ll need more XP and time to go from one level to the next. We made sure to keep this entertaining as new levels often means new items you can equip your character with. And every battle is a guaranteed item loot.

We also thought of a mechanic to incentivize players to bet more DoTx during battles. Basically, the more DoTx you’ll bet, the more XP you’ll gain. At least, until a small cap that will be the around $10~20. After that, any more DoTx spent won’t give you more XP. This also avoids players betting very little DoTx just to get the XP.

The New Battle System

The new pages required for the first version of the update have already been made and posted on our Twitter/Telegram. Currently, we are still working on the smart contract for the battles and we will then need some more times to connect these new smart contracts to the front-end and test to make sure everything works fine.

What comes next ?

We would like to release the first version of the update in June, but it might bethe delayed a little bit (2~3 months) as we need to prepare for a new fund raise that is also supposed to be around June. To make a successful fund raise, we have to work on a new white paper, a new presentation website as well as a new roadmap. We’ll then need to organise the presale with the cheapest price, for our current community (if you have DoTx, keep them as we will have a surprise for you). And we’ll also go to various launch pads to get more investors. All the information about this will come a little bit later this month.

If you have any questions, there are always members of the team available in our Telegram.

See you soon!



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